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Wine, Women and Words

Nov 26, 2019

Fangirling aside, we got to drink wine and talk about The Huntress with the fantastic Kate Quinn. If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you can get it here. (We are an amazon affiliate and make a commission off of the book sales)


We are talking about The Huntress in all it's glory from writing "good sex"...

Nov 19, 2019

Join us as we talk with Talia Carner about her book, The Third Daughter. We learn some history about human trafficking, how women were brought into Argentina and other areas of South America to be forced into prostitution, and some of the current human trafficking issues.

We also discuss our book of the month, The...

Nov 15, 2019

We get to sit down (and fangirl a bit) with Chanel Cleeton to discuss her upcoming novel, The Last Train to Key West, her family and the devastating history of Cuba.

Nov 6, 2019

We chat with the author, Sarah Beth Durst about her book The Deepest Blue. We also talk about the real-world history that influences her books, and murder babies...